Since becoming captain, he has shed nearly 30 pounds, an example of his commitment that no player can ignore.
Most players ignore the mouth guards common in other contact sports and expect to lose a tooth or two during their career.
At the same time, Finch's speech seemed to deteriorate and it was said the players ignored him.
The problem is, players won't ignore his comments because they gain widespread dissemination.
The player can ignore the anti-copy program to read the audio tracks.
While the other players sat and ignored, Sweeney did his best to cooperate.
If the player knows the rules, ignores them and gives him a belt in the mouth accepting the red card; that's his decision.
Then, again, if things get too bad, these players may just ignore him and give their own great performances.
Now that they have finally reached the playoffs, when players often take the ice and ignore the pain, he is not available.
In spite of this, most established players ignored the Army's calls for the small machine.