However, this is generally a non-optimal strategy in the long-term, since the player does not maximize his gains on his winning hands.
Though gameplay is relatively straightforward as described above, various strategies allow players to maximize their opportunities to make suggestions and therefore gain the advantage of accumulating information faster.
The point here is fairly simple: It's nice when a player can make his free throws, but that same player isn't maximizing that skill if he's not getting to the line enough to exploit.
However, if player 1 plays U, player 2 maximises his payoff by playing D' and player 1 receives 2.
How can the players maximise their chance of winning?
That is, in theory there are situations where players maximize expectation by randomly choosing moves according to a probability distribution.
There is an optimal bowling ball speed at which the player maximizes the chance to knock down all ten bowling pins.
There are ways that a player can maximize the chances of pulling off a swindle, including being objective, playing actively and exploiting time pressure.
Therefore, the players maximize the mathematical expectation of the cost function.
The N.B.A. has taken the lead in developing a variety of programs designed to help players maximize their stay in the league.