Its good to brazilian football in general that an IMMATURE player, doesnt ruin even more the image of brazilians abroad, like Robinho did.
While the issue of free agency often becomes clouded and emotionalized by both sides - with players calling for "freedom from slavery," and owners predicting "chaos and ruin" - there are certain basic truths we all know.
Far too many players have ruined their careers not to put a strong drug policy in place.
Editor: O.K., at least give me just a little malarkey, please, about baseball: greedy owners and players ruining the American pastime, the usual hokum.
Also, the magazine says graphite rackets (power over technique) and charmless players are ruining tennis.
One player wins a round when the other player draws or Ruins the last card of their Castle Deck.
I believe the teams have to understand more that players from today's game are more individuals and more expressive but that does not ruin the team concept.