An unusual feature of Brett's career at a time when players freely swapped sides as "given men" was that he always played for Hampshire.
There are five positions and the players must swap around these positions during the game, allowing them to try out every position.
The players swap positions during the game.
The player can Swap any card in their own hand with a 1-down card of any player.
The players should then swap sides to play another round, and the sum of their final scores for the two battles determines the overall victory.
As a symbol of friendship, the players swapped their shirts.
At the trading post the player who sends the highest servant value may swap treasures for those of different types.
This player may only swap as many cards with talon as there are remaining.
At the end of the game, players either swap their chips for money, or the chips are counted to determine the order of winners.
If he catches it, he goes inside the circle and the game continues with the players swapping places.