Later, when the ceremony was over, several Cuban players taunted the Brazilians by raising one finger, and a couple threw their bouquets into the crowd.
He has considerably more dialogue during cutscenes, and players can verbally taunt monsters during gameplay.
This player then may taunt the Oni when he turns around.
But, the player easily destroys it, and then taunts the yolk star.
The player can also evade attacks, taunt, use tension boosting attacks, or find cards within a stage to increase this bar.
The player can also taunt the opponent by pressing the Strong Punch button from a distance.
After the game, Eagles' players turned to the stands and taunted Giants' fans.
During co-operative play, players can revive fallen comrades at the cost of some money, give each other health or money and simultaneously taunt for a combined attack.
The other player eventually taunted "Shall I make a hole in the wall?
A player can taunt by touching the touch screen button "Taunt your enemy".