Sosa is the only player to have hit 60 or more home runs in a single season three times.
Murray is the 15th player to hit 500, and he was the 20th to reach 3,000.
"He's the first player to ever hit 50 in three straight years," Blair said.
However, the first player to hit the red button during the treatment will be required to leave the show.
Bonds is the first player to hit 400 homers for one team and 100 with another.
Since 1941, Rose is the only player to hit in 40 or more consecutive games.
Mullen is the 25th player in league history to hit the mark.
All players decided to jump, but the only player to hit the target was Alex for $4,000.
He is also the seventh player to hit 30 home runs before the month of July.
He was the only British player to hit safely in all five games.