So did seeing the playful attitude of his two children, ages 6 and 3.
He said that the players, despite their playful attitudes, were in a serious frame of mind about the rest of the season.
The Scotsmans editor felt that the song has a "playful attitude" which is missing from the rest of the album.
But it also at times has a refreshingly innocent and playful attitude toward its subject.
It seemed to express a trivial, playful attitude which was definitely not characteristic for the Zarlt.
The good Brothers have what one might call a playful attitude to mail.
Morra did seem to maintain a playful attitude, though.
Today's Memories' sees these experiences gained on the road of musical life voiced with playful attitude and considered words.
It can be boring, but I still have sometimes a playful attitude.
The smile lines around her eye suggest that she has a more playful attitude than one might have guessed.