Known for his playful imagination, Mr. Leonsis was an early proponent of the future of interactive media.
I have a male friend from Berkeley who isn't all that male; he has a delicious, playful imagination; I've teamed with him many times.
Nothing beats this exhibit for playful imagination and casually dexterous craft.
Vitality, a playful imagination and authentic detail make her sympathetic and good-humored romp great fun to read.
There is the danger, too, of our adult minds becoming mere data banks, of losing the playful imagination of childhood.
The moral intensity of Shawn's work has always been bracing, and in "Grasses" a playful, mythological imagination bears down as well.
To his credit, though, Hall's playful imagination occasionally overcomes even the burdens of Shoshone-speak.
Synthesizing a wild farrago of ideas with polished technique, a knowing eye and a playful imagination, she's produced an irresistible show.
C Map From rock 'n' roll fashion to a new children's line, this designer's tiny boutique is a portal into a rich and playful imagination.
His ideas sprouted from a playful imagination.