Others have lighthearted and playful lyrics.
The group combined rock 'n' roll music with playful lyrics typical for their future band Sto zvířat.
The song received generally positive reviews from music critics, who complimented its hook and production, as well as its playful lyrics.
The Porter song, in particular, suffered from a labored, humorless interpretation that made the playful lyric seem sexist.
Music critics praised the direction of the record, its playful lyrics and futuristic sound.
The band often plays "all-ages" shows and the playful lyrics and the high energy music has proven popular with teenage listeners.
Like many other Dylan songs of the 1965-1966 period, the song features a surreal, playful lyric set to an electric blues accompaniment.
Today their sound is very much groove orientated folk-rock, with playful lyrics and dynamic weaving guitars.
Only the playful lyrics survived him and his whole civilization.