On an "innocuous tone", this playful song mixes "stories about superstitions, phobias and travels around the world".
They even rushed the first single, a playful new-wave song called "Just a Little While," to radio the day after the Super Bowl.
It was a more playful and vibrant song than most of Karam's previous work, with a strong bass line, and a distinct oriental influence.
Like every album she has made since "Control," this one was full of playful songs and hard (sometimes ominous) beats.
The ZingZillas have a playful song to play in the Big Zing.
One of the four improvises a playful song at Christmastime, which includes the verse:
Halfway through, he did a verse from "Funky for You," a playful song that replaces key words with grunts.
She stated that although "Single Ladies" is a playful uptempo song, it addresses an issue that women experience every day.
Even her most playful songs seem like weird antiques, rescued from some extraordinary attic.