They express the couture in terms of playful styles that give a woman a chance to dress up in an unfamiliar way.
They are noted for their tight vocal harmonies and playful style.
Its aesthetic, revealed in a lively, playful and breezy style, attracts a world wide audience.
Murphy's word images and Cohen's straightforward, playful style make for lovely listening.
This playful style however contrasts with the groups numerous books and manifestos which have an analytical focus.
He is perhaps the most noted for the whimsical, often playful style of his watercolor works.
In playful style, Students and staff soon adopted the word "Snitcher" for themselves.
His smiling, playful style and his own genuine love for the game was contagious.
The reggae tone and playful style of the song made it an instant hit.
First a painter of the Cubist school, he later developed his own playful primitive style.