Writer Chibnall acknowledged that the title also references the work of Douglas Adams, which features the number 42, and said that "it's a playful title".
"Sarabande Double, Sarabande Simple," the playful, Brittenian title of the second movement, belies its scale and expressive depth.
Writer Chris Chibnall acknowledged that "it's a playful title".
Charles Decant of Ozap called the single "the more playful title on the album".
The playful title, with its red-light district connotations, is both apt and misleading; the only truly arousing aspect of the play, the second offering of Signature's all-Guare season, is the power of Mr. Guare's language.
Due to his juvenile penchant for collecting and labelling plants, shells and insects, Alexander received the playful title of "the little apothecary".
Many had mystical and playful titles such as "Pneumonia Lisa" or "Able was I ere I saw Elba," in which a Jacques- Louis David "Napoleon" is aswirl in Rauschenberg pictures.
Behind the playful title of Galef's novel about the tribulations of an affluent family in the suburbs north of New York lurks a grim and threatening plot line that isn't playful at all.
That playful title should not necessarily be taken as a reference to Mr. Bergman, who is constantly toying with the idea of giving up movies.
Each work reflects its playful title, having a plot matching the work to which it alludes, with a humorous twist.