The Swedish director playfully calls this book about his parents a novel.
"Another li'l warning, old man," Ransden called playfully over his shoulder.
He found that Vesper hadn't even "elected," as organizations playfully call it, an impressive front of general officers and honorary directors.
He told her she was worried over nothing and playfully called her crazy.
Lee had taken his time, titillating her with what he playfully called his mystery kiss.
In addition to referring to itself as a non-organization, the group's "non-members" also even playfully call the group a "disorganization."
Henry James playfully called him "the poet and papermaker."
"Not quick enough with your answer," she called playfully, after half a minute had passed.
In the scene where Ellen is swimming at night, she calls playfully up to Nick's bedroom window and invites him to join her.
Anita playfully called it her Easter basket and asked Emmett where the sweet stuff was.