In 1978, New York started the year 5-6 and played the Eagles at home with a chance to solidify their playoff prospects.
But they certainly enriched their playoff prospects.
His future was as uncertain as his limping team's playoff prospects.
A three-game losing streak on the road had made the team's playoff prospects much dimmer since midseason.
They have played their best since their playoff prospects looked bleakest late in the season.
Keep Manning from making turnovers and the Giants like their playoff prospects.
But the Giants fell to a 7-4 record midway through the season and their playoff prospects seemed dim at best.
"We feel like we belong," Brown said of the Nets' playoff prospects.
The loss dropped their record to 6-7 and dimmed their playoff prospects.
Five games in seven days, against the league champion and four teams with fair-to-middling playoff prospects.