There I was obliged to plead fatigue, and ask him to let me rest for a little while in the solitude of my own room.
Cugel was in no mood for either and pleading fatigue retired early to his Chamber.
They sent a servant to the king, asking to be excused from this night's festivities, pleading extreme fatigue.
Arriving at my friend's, I pleaded fatigue, and lay down.
On the afternoon of, she canceled, pleading fatigue and an impending sore throat.
"I might very well have to plead fatigue from the first."
His friends told her that, pleading fatigue, he had skipped a scheduled dinner with them and had gone to bed early.
He had turned coward at the last moment and pleaded too much brandy and fatigue.
Then he pleaded fatigue and fled to his room.
Riella had simply pleaded fatigue and gone up to take a nap.