It is well said, indeed, especially by those that plead for compelling men into this or the other way.
I'm sorry, Amanda, he heard himself pleading into the phone.
In yet another case, the executive director of one authority later pleaded guilty to dipping into his agency's till to pay for personal expenses.
"It's just me and my mother-in-law, it won't take but a minute," he pleaded into his cell phone.
Please don't make me, I wanted to plead into the phone.
Darlanis sitting there looking at me, those beautiful azure eyes pleading into mine.
Jake put a note of pleading into his voice.
Hugh Sidneys pleaded into his side of the phone.
Powell tried to put a note of pleading into his voice, and found it didn't take much acting.
Sharon begged, her eyes pleading into mine as she clutched the blanket to herself.