It's a wholesome, family crowd, happily engaged in a pleasant pastime that, even now, moralists still thunder about.
Her people look upon it as a pleasant but unimportant pastime.
She didn't dare to buy much, only necessities, but window-shopping was a pleasant pastime.
Sakerson turned back to the more pleasant pastime.
He considered music a pleasant pastime but not a serious occupation.
She was going to fight it out with the crazed inventor, who considered murder a pleasant pastime.
But artistic expression to him was never more than a pleasant pastime; his real passion lay in harnessing technology to reproduce the works of others.
It was a pleasant and useful pastime, and she enjoyed the company of the other women.
Men had only ever been pleasant pastimes in her full and varied life.
The descent of Darkness began just then and all such pleasant pastimes ceased, I'm sorry to say.