In five minutes a tall, pleasant-faced man appeared.
On my left was a pleasant-faced young man with long, almost white, fair hair.
Standing beside Eileen was a middle-aged, pleasant-faced man wearing a broad smile.
It was an attractive, pleasant-faced man, and he had obviously asked the stewardess to switch his seat.
He proved to be a pleasant-faced man, some forty-odd years of age.
A tall, dark, pleasant-faced young man in an ordinary zip- per-suit was approaching them.
Sebastian Dutton, a pleasant-faced man of fifty, was standing in a corner with his wife beside him.
He is twenty-one years old, and described as a pleasant-faced young man with a good pair of shoulders and easy, open manners.
The patient, a pleasant-faced middle-aged man in a wheelchair, invited her in.
They had surrounded one of their number, a pleasant-faced man of thirty, and were giving it to him rather heatedly.