One administration hope is that Mr. Kouchner's civilian authority will get all the money it needs from European countries that pledged billions of dollars last year.
Fortunately, the United Nations, international financial institutions, governments, businesses and nongovernmental organizations have pledged billions of dollars to help the tsunami generation "build back better."
The new "democratic" government has pledged billions of crowns to put right the damage caused by a 40 year industrial race with the West.
As for aid, European countries have pledged billions of dollars that have not materialized, in large part because security problems have prevented the expenditure.
Saudi Arabia will also need more revenue, having pledged billions of dollars to countries hurt by the war.
World governments are pledging billions to fund development of electric vehicles and their components.
By pledging tens of billions to back up reform, the West risks only a pittance of its collective wealth.
The European Union has pledged billions as well.
Big oil companies remain wary about pledging billions to ventures in the vast oilfields of the Soviet republics.
Between 1978 and 1988, the Arab states pledged billions to Jordan.