Running brooks with rocky bottoms are often inhabited by a plentiful amount of crayfish.
If there is a plentiful amount of seeds on the ground, they carry them back to their nests/burrows for storage.
Mature pseudobulbs flower better if provided with plentiful amounts of water and fertilizer.
They are supplied with plentiful amounts of blood.
Bonci attributes this to the plentiful amounts of soluble fiber, which take longer to digest.
It was found at a further six nearby locations in less plentiful amounts.
IGN gave it 6/10, citing a plentiful amount of content but poor execution.
This would provide plentiful amounts of breathing gas for autonomous diving operations under the Arctic ice cap.
Dodge County's plentiful amount of sand and rock also make the area a center for building.
Patients were exposed to plentiful amounts of high altitude, fresh air, and good nutrition.