There is plentiful evidence for gregarious behaviour among herbivorous dinosaurs, including ceratopsians and hadrosaurs.
There is plentiful evidence, however, that he was hardly of good cheer.
There is plentiful evidence of the emetic of the climbing!
There is also plentiful evidence of a renowned Nabatean settlement in the area including construction of a series of walls around agricultural terraces.
Bowen's book provided plentiful evidence that higher education institutions of similar size, situation and repute had radically different costs per student, and spent each dollar differently from one another.
But there is plentiful evidence of the existence of Pāśupata groups in every area of the Indian subcontinent.
Despite plentiful evidence against Solemn, it's a trumped-up case and an ugly example of the racial prejudice that mars the serene beauty of an endangered region.
What historian Michael Hopkinson describes as 'plentiful oral evidence' suggests that Collins's purpose was to meet Republican leaders in order to bring the war to an end.
While information about Cuimín's life and medieval cult is lacking, there is relatively plentiful evidence for his veneration in early modern and modern times.
Furthermore, plentiful evidence pointed to the poor performance of the Queens feeder cables over the previous several years.