The krewe's members stood on the floats and tossed out plush toys shaped like grouper, a fish plentiful in the lake.
Approximately seven thousand years ago, during the Archaic Period, indigenous people found plentiful fish and shellfish at this site in the shelter of a barrier island to the east.
People on both sides of the Atlantic salmon question agree that the fish, once plentiful in New England's rivers, are in the deepest of trouble.
The most plentiful fish in the lake are bluegill, a form of sunfish.
The local Lick Creek and Strong River had plentiful fish that he would catch, and he loved to hunt, particularly with his 12-gauge shotgun.
It was also well supplied with fish, plentiful near the mouth of Wea Creek, and with wild game in the surrounding prairie and woodlands.
In 2013,concerns were raised that mackerel may not have been as plentiful a fish as had previously been considered.
The diving here is amazing with plentiful fish and breathtaking scenery above the water.
Its varied limestone reef terrain, and plentiful fish make it an interesting diving destination.
The waters about the islands contain plentiful fish.