Coal will remain the world's most plentiful fuel, and unless some way is found to neutralize its emissions, the battle to stabilize emissions is almost certainly lost.
"For the balance of the forecast period, we expect plentiful and affordable fuel."
Even so, without plentiful fuel, General Schwarzkopf's forces would lose their freedom to maneuver across the desert, which is rich in crude oil but without the diesel and other refined fuels required by a modern army.
But no ready substitutes exist for cheap, plentiful fossil fuels.
In 1987, with fuel more plentiful, that limit was amended to allow speeds of 65 m.p.h. on some rural interstates.
Small, remote and poor, a place for hard-working men, but for all that, with plentiful fuel all around, and excellent poaching, which Cadfael judged might well be a communal enterprise here.
On the northern bank of the Tay, Dundee grew as a result of the whaling industry, which among other things supplied plentiful fuel for the town's oil lamps.
Through mathematical modeling, he demonstrated that energy consumption has grown to the point that we will never sustain our current consumption levels without plentiful and cheap fossil fuels.
New oil and gas discoveries offer hope for plentiful and cheaper fuel but also threaten to blunt the demand for cleaner, renewable alternatives.
The front page of this newspaper's business section recently featured two articles about the world's most plentiful fuel, coal.