The situation has been exacerbated, at least in Texas, by plentiful rains in recent years.
He reported one of the biggest and best crops ever at his farm, largely because to the plentiful rains of late May and early June.
The luck includes plentiful rains in 1986 and 1987 that gave Senegal two successive bumper crops of peanuts, the nation's largest export.
From a grey, fleecy cloud, with sun-whitened border, a light, gracious, plentiful rain was falling.
The climate is rather Extreme hot and sultry during summer season, with plentiful rains and moisture in the air throughout the year.
The name of the month may be taken from Akkadian kislimu, which means "inspissated, thickened" due to plentiful rains.
Corn and soybean prices plunged for a second day as plentiful rains across western crop regions eased the stress of dry soil conditions.
We gardening where is good soil, plentiful rain, high up, over places where is heat.
Hope for cold winters (rhubarb enjoys ground that freezes several inches down), along with cool summers and plentiful spring rain.
Agriculture benefits from fertile alluvial soil, adequate drainage and plentiful rain.