During the winter months, thousands of people from the North, sometimes referred to as snow birds bask in its plentiful sunshine.
Adjara is well-known for its humid climate (especially along the coastal regions) and prolonged rainy weather, although there is plentiful sunshine during the Spring and Summer months.
F. The sugar content of sugarbeet is highest where there is plentiful sunshine and moderate rainfall.
Located in a subtropical zone, Yichun enjoys a humid monsoon climate, with plentiful sunshine and abundant rainfall.
Both plentiful sunshine and water supplies increase cane production.
Summers are marked by plentiful sunshine and moderate humidity and temperature.
The area receives plentiful sunshine throughout the year, averaging a total of 2920 hours, or 66.7% of the possible total.
Caribbean islands with plentiful sunshine, abundant rainfalls and no extended frosts were well suited for sugarcane agriculture and sugar factories.
Given well-drained soil and plentiful sunshine, S. greggii grows rapidly into 18- to 24-inch bushes.
The weather forecast called for a high of 76 degrees and plentiful sunshine with winds NNE at 10 to 15 miles per hour.