Five large mouths are situated below the root of each tentacle, four being plentifully supplied with teeth and the fifth housing the vocal apparatus.
Hence were derived certain hopes of being plentifully supplied with this article.
They were plentifully supplied with liquid green soap, strong and smelly, but which lathered freely.
Those preferring milk to grog or porter were plentifully supplied with it at the house.
We were plentifully supplied with newspapers, and every day Poirot received a bulky envelope, evidently containing some kind of report.
I shall take care that Ma and Orion are plentifully supplied with South American books.
The tract had a river front of two miles accessible to transportation the year around and was plentifully supplied with raw material for charcoal.
The Broad-Stone is plentifully supplied with examples from medieval literature, even the most obscure accounts.
However, tanks were one commodity with which the British were plentifully supplied.
Wear a cork suit, or insist that the raft shall be plentifully supplied with life-preservers.