If you're kind to him, he plucks your eyes out.
Pluck out your eyes and roast them slowly on their stalks?
And if you had moved it from its resting place, I would have plucked out your eyes and tongue with my own fingers.
When he adds, in minute detail, how Edipus plucked his eyes out, the whole house is one ecstasy.
Hearing this, the builder plucked out his own eyes and threw them at the wall.
When we pluck out her eyes, your vision will weaken until you are blind.
Not till a year later had they plucked out her eyes and he had been there remembering the moment, the feel of the flesh.
O, I will to him and pluck out his eyes!
Send a flock, of ravens to pluck out the old woman's eyes.
Yes, they have plucked out her eyes.