The plumbing lines, the electrical wiring, the gas lines, all went somewhere.
He shook his head at the landscaping over my new plumbing lines.
There is a sense of vulnerability when walls are down, plumbing lines disrupted or windows removed.
You also have to hook the icemaker up to the plumbing line in your house, to provide fresh water for the ice cubes.
In the Southwest it is likely to be a snake that slithers into the house through an open doorway or a plumbing line.
They are also available with prepunched slots so electrical wires and plumbing lines can be run through.
The water is flushed out the drain hose to the sink or through the plumbing lines.
"Don't even bother following the original plumbing lines."
As a result, he said, it is necessary to disinfect not only the well itself but all of the plumbing lines and fixtures.
Also, when heat is off, make sure that plumbing lines are drained, and take precautions to prevent freezing damage to fixtures.