Tony, 37, bursts into a plush restaurant where Sharon, 41, is being wined and dined by a romantic Italian rival for her affections.
The elegant, gracious, plush restaurant is decorated in the style of an English manor house.
The next showed a glamorous couple sipping champagne in a plush restaurant, and said: So is Paris with Air France.
(The owners of the Local, a plush new restaurant on West 47th Street, are not only closing, but even boarding up the windows to guard against rowdies.)
The restaurant, though plush, serves a surprisingly unadventurous menu.
The culinary scene is amazingly diverse, ranging from street food and informal café bars to plush restaurants that rank among the best in Asia.
Then back to Yola, emerging unruffled in a fetching little-girl dress at a plush restaurant.
- * - Gillian and Nick sat in the back of a plush Irryan restaurant, discussing their course of action.
These plush restaurants are blazing a new category in menus with their forward-looking cuisine.
The plush restaurant looks out on a park, and the chef reinterprets traditional Viennese cuisine for an international clientele.