The jet appeared to be a normal corporate commercial aircraft from the outside and from within, with its plushly appointed interior cabin.
Ben looked around the plushly appointed car and said what was on his mind.
They went into what appeared to be the plushly appointed dining car of a train.
The line quickly grew from utilitarian bench seat sedans and coupes to the more plushly appointed bucket-seat interiors of the new 900 series Monza.
This had figured very largely in his plans, for he had purloined the key to his father's plushly appointed gazebo for his entertainment.
Plushly appointed to carry VIPs from place to place, it was still too noisy for anything approximating a normal conversation.
I arrived at 10:30 two Friday nights ago to find a plushly appointed bar with hardly a patron in sight.
Gadgets Schwarz and Jack Grimaldi were helping themselves to seconds when a massive man in full French Foreign Legion regalia strode into the plushly appointed salon and saluted sharply.
An upscale hotel in the heart of an upscale shopping plaza, the Valencia has plushly appointed rooms for demanding travelers and a rooftop wine bar, Cielo, for travelers who need less sleep.
She pressed a key and the screen changed once more this time showing the interior of a room that was plushly appointed according to human standards.