The workers themselves spent most of the morning erecting a protective plywood barrier around the building's perimeter.
The team leader blocked a hallway, and the biggest man on the squad hit the plywood barrier, kicked it twice and gave up.
They added a new layer of concrete to the walls and erected a plywood barrier in the back, creating a separate space for women, a custom not normally observed here.
The entire Crystal Court was sealed off by plywood barriers while this was repaired.
Though the executive floor is remarkably intact, there is a conference room facing north whose window frames are filled with plywood barriers.
Even just a plywood barrier might do the trick.
The farmers broke down plywood barriers erected to protect a building across the street from the conference hall, grabbed the shattered boards and rushed through gaps in the fence to outflank the police.
Now, that huge space, still hidden behind painted plywood barriers, has been cleaned up at a cost of $4.3 million.
Viewed from the entrance of the main gallery, the piece presents itself as a four-foot-high plain plywood barrier, running 48 feet across the entire gallery close to the back wall.
Still, he said, his department was prepared to erect a plywood barrier of three to four feet high if only it had the money.