As with many Bordeaux estates, the basket press has come back into vogue but with modern elements such as pneumatic controls.
This type of double dump valve has no electrical or pneumatic controls and is the least expensive method of operation.
Historically, pneumatic control was commonplace, but electronic direct digital control systems are popular especially for mid-to-large size applications.
Such seals are often critical for the operation of pneumatic controls, and if a crack penetrates the seal, all functions of the system can be lost.
Its functioning and pneumatic controls are a tribute to the technical feats of the time.
By 1985, pneumatic controls could no longer compete with this new technology although pneumatic control systems (sometimes decades old) are still common in many older buildings.
First gives each team mechanical parts, including motors, pneumatic controls and radio transmitters.
Previously, pneumatic controls were sometimes used.
The deluxe cabinets features a pneumatic haptic control that simulates the recoil effect from the tank's main gun.
Brakes: drums, with pneumatic control.