Mu@noz, a thin man with a pocked face, was clearly proud of his catch.
A girl with a pocked face and greasy hair hanging over it came in.
Half its pocked face was visible, like the bones of a very old woman.
He is a small, unpleasant-looking man with a pocked face and nervous eyes.
The only living thing in the hotel was a middle-aged man with a pocked face, the hooded look of a satisfied hawk.
Despite his pocked face and totally bald head, he was still a fine, muscular figure of a man.
He was a plump man, bald, with a pocked face, a broken nose and frightened eyes.
He blew cheap, atrocious smoke until his pocked face was lost in it.
Now, as Janko faced him, his pocked face split by an ugly smile, he realized what it had been.
He wore an iron collar and his pocked face was badly malformed.