The poem bears traces of the influence of Virgil, whom the poet was rereading at the time.
A poem by Talhaiarn also bears the name "Eilonwy".
The poems bear marks of a close study of Sidney, and of the Italian poets.
Some classical poems and quotations from lexicographical books bear witness of the solid education of the author.
This spare, meticulous novel opens out like a poem, its deceptively casual images bearing a universe of weight.
An extant poem of 70 hexameters also bears her name.
Other readers may doubt that such a slight poem can bear this heavy load of Freudian theory.
Both his plays and his poems bear obvious inspiration from Bertolt Brecht.
Beautiful and brutal, Wrigley's poems bear apt witness to the natural world.
She began to speak the poem, her voice soft and rapid, borne by the rhythm itself: One will rise who is too evil.