His last literary work published during his lifetime was Blue Meridian, a long poem extolling "the potential of the American race".
His famous poem extolling for world peace and happiness to everyone in the world was sung by Smt.
In the eighteenth century, English Romanticism developed a strong enthusiasm for Iceland and Nordic culture, expressed in original English poems extolling Viking virtues, such as Thomas Warton's "Runic Odes" of 1748.
Afterward he might write a poem extolling the massacre.
Jennens interwove Milton's two odes to mirth and melancholy for Handel, but the composer later discarded Jennens's own poem extolling moderation, the middle way.
Gopala Viduravali:a short poem by Jiva extolling the glories of Gopala (Krishna) in 38 verses.
During this time, British interest and enthusiasm for Iceland and Nordic culture grew dramatically, expressed in original English poems extolling Viking virtues, such as Thomas Warton's "Runic Odes" of 1748:
Therefore, he is in charge of granting Calvin access, which involves Calvin reciting the password, which is eight verses of a poem extolling tigers.
Ottakuttan wrote Kulothunga Cholan Ula, a poem extolling the virtues of the Chola king.
The program ended with "Song Offerings" from 1985, four Indian poems extolling the interchangeability of divine and corporeal love.