In much of his work, Abbey displays traditional characteristics of the nineteenth century American poetic approach.
Yet this film, for all its apparent immediacy, winds up less affecting than a more poetic or roundabout approach might be.
Aside from his biographical work, he took to writing studies of nature, taking a poetic and philosophical approach.
It also, like many other recent films from Iran, mixes documentary immediacy with an oblique, poetic approach to narrative.
But successful minimalism requires a kind of poetic approach to prose - right word, right place - and Casey's language often seems careless.
Various critics have placed Leitner's poetic approach at a gap between modernism and postmodernism.
I intended a different, more impressionistic and poetic approach.
His impassioned, poetic approach served the music well.
But of the three pianists, it is she who has the most sensuous legato and the most poetic approach to the music.
It does have a philosophical undercurrent, and Mr. Wilson is right, too, in speaking of the poetic approach.