Here, reason does not attempt to overcome the poetic dimension of life and speech, but to moderate its impulses so as to safeguard civil life.
With the Romantic era, however, melancholy assumed a more poetic dimension, often associated with ill-fated love affairs.
For the analysis of this sort of example we need to turn to the more poetic dimensions of style.
That is, they have a poetic dimension.
The light changes in response to music and presents a space of poetic dimensions.
"Yoko has a lyrical, poetic dimension that sets her apart from the other conceptual artists," he says.
Colleagues said that his work mixed irony and profound thought, emphasizing the poetic dimension of the novel.
Images from before they met show that each was interested in interior space, natural light and discovering poetic dimensions in mundane subject matter.
Fromanger has been described as a social critic who takes a political position without neglecting the poetic dimension.
This 'childhood,' existing within him, led him to the poetic dimension in art.