The poetic function : in which the particular form chosen is the essence of the message.
The poetic function is also apparent at an early stage: when young children latch on to a phrase and repeat it endlessly, without conveying any information.
And second, he generalises from what Jakobson (1960) would call the poetic function of language to an exhaustive account of an utterance's meaning.
But the pools also serve the poetic function of knitting together the sky above and the earth below.
In poetry, the dominant function is the poetic function: the focus is on the message itself.
The poetic function is needed to create new connective tissue.
The poetic function was one of six general functions of language he described in the lecture.
According to Jakobson's model, art is created when the message itself (which carries the poetic function) is stressed.
The supremacy of the poetic function over the referential function does not obliterate the message but makes it ambiguous.'(pp. 370 - 1).
To Jacobson, the poetic function is the most important function as it mainly focuses on the message itself (Zwaan 1993, p. 7).