Translations and commentaries, however, generally refer to the poetic or theological meanings only.
The name of the chief character, and title of the play, Matsukaze, bears a poetic double meaning.
This requires an advanced ability to memorize, maintain tempo and harmony, and then to interpret the music's poetic meaning.
I only recognise the poetic meaning of words, that is, the sound of words, their music, which has nothing to do with their meaning.
Hannah's search for the poetic meaning behind the hermit of Sidley Park also remarks on this theme.
Coleridge's argument is that these two things together work to create the ground for all meaning, especially poetic and artistic meaning.
The simple, blissful yet pertinent images he creates take us to planes of imposing poetic meaning.
It is described in the Concise Oxford Dictionary as a poetic and literary adjective meaning 'glittering; sparkling'.
The family name 花 (Huā, "flower") has become the most popular in recent years in part because of its more poetic meaning.
One is [11] which uses reappropriation of the blog format and snapshot software to create clustered poetic meanings.