But what this tremendous retrospective reveals is the poetic and even mystical nature of his work.
The lyrics of songs are typically of a poetic and romantic nature, in free prose.
Until recently, the only good thing about it all, in his view, was that the perpetual melancholy of the place enhanced his poetic nature.
Edwards' lyrics have often been of a highly poetic nature, particularly on the band's and at times they reflected his knowledge of political history.
Rusanov's office was equipped in a manner suited to the poetic and political nature of the subtle work he performed.
Characters are going through the poetic nature and the environment, routine conflict.
I use those words because of their poetic nature.
Similes are only occasionally useful in speech due to their poetic nature and similarity to metaphor.
His poetic and pasionate nature became legendary even at a young age.
She, in turn, continually reminds us of Shawn's goodness and his sensitive, poetic nature.