Ms. Whelan and Mr. Hübbe have grandly and intuitively identified this aspect of a poetic but still lurid tale.
This poetic tale is in octosyllabic quatrains with an ABAB rhyme.
The poetic tale follows the adventures of the fair Ervehe who manages to defend her chastity and virtue through many a trial and tribulation.
Donning different costumes and masks, Hernandez tells a poetic tale of forest spirits and the youth they threaten and protect.
The film is a poetic tale of Jakub, a man in his early 30s.
The poetic tales are performed by a singer and story-teller in two parts: a sung part in verse alternates with a prose part composed of recitatives.
Choosing forms of worship from poetic tales.
Nowadays physicists - those coldblooded reductionists - are telling a more poetic but no less mathematically rigorous tale.
The same publication has also described the film as absurd poetic tale of five seemingly unrelated people's lives intertwining in a most interesting way.
These are the inviting opening lines of one of the elegant poetic tales.