Its beauty lies in the poetic value of the images, which offer a vision of heightened reality.
The audience and the judges value wit as much as poetic value.
It goes without saying that cowboy poets hold the most reactionary poetic values in the English-speaking world.
She brings poetic value, disarming and often chilling, to every considered word, phrase and gesture.
The process of settling accounts with modernism, as with the new emphasis on poetic value, can thus be seen as a serious if limited one.
But they have a poetic value that grows out of form.
His songs vary in melodic styles and have a high poetic value.
Entertainment and humor, courtesy of Shakespeare, were transformed by Balanchine into his own poetic values.
"The novel is ingenious and revealing, and at the same time enthralling because of its poetic values," the academy said.
Its poetic value though not high was sincere in feelings and emotions.