The movie retains the novelist's poetical language.
From the water-filled control room came a warbling sigh in complex Trinary-the expressive, poetical language of neo-dolphins that Sara had only just begun to learn.
A norm for the use of poetical language in the age of Puskin: A comparative analysis (1983)
He characterised the first as a "prose sonnet" and admitted that the "poetical language" might seem strange to the court but claimed its intent was innocent.
In poetical language Muhammad is sometimes equated with the sun or the morning light.
These are nearly Victorian sentiments rendered in an elevated, "poetical" language ("the fraying dusk of childhood").
Mare Kandre's stories have a marked metaphysical dimension which is strengthened by her poetical language and representation, with existential themes that link to society's contemporary main issues.
A characteristic of her juvenile poetry is a rich poetical language.
Because of their dense poetical language, they are also acclaimed and influential in Digital Poetry [4].
To his military gifts Lucas added a devotion to the king's cause, which he sometimes expressed in singularly high-flown and poetical language.