The many jagged and poignant details are dimmed by fictional and symbolic inflation, including a magic realist angel.
"Nilus himself gives us some poignant details of his visit to Eusebios."
There, on the bland form, are the poignant details of their two lives.
It shows their sufferings in poignant detail.
As we speed nearer and nearer, I hunch up closer to the windscreen to see every poignant detail of its last few seconds.
The 84th birthday celebration at Sardi's, which is described in such poignant detail, never took place.
The statistics of violent crime may be dropping slightly, but the poignant detail of fresh depradations can stun the nation.
Occasionally, I cry because of some tiny poignant detail - a diamond ring wobbling around on the finger of a bride who's been dieting all week.
He worked hard to find poignant details for his books.
There were few poignant details in the morning session when a parade of F.B.I. chemists and fingerprint experts took the stand.