A further poignant episode is Walker's gentle description of his mother's decline into dementia and subsequent death.
Murray enjoyed the episode's "poignant and tense" final minutes, however, and rated the episode "B-" overall, later rethinking his grade and changing it to a "B".
In a rather poignant episode titled "The Parents Show," one character dolefully concludes, "Nobody in this business tells their folks nothing."
Ariane is an energetic storyteller, and she relates her story to Leroy and the reader through a series of funny and poignant episodes that explore the power of personal fantasy.
The women's personal histories include poignant episodes of broken relationships, family strains and even incarceration.
Just a quick gaze at today's theater listings can give a person the distinct sensation of watching a particularly poignant episode of "I Love the 90's."
This resulted in Peggy leaving the square in a poignant episode.
Perhaps the most poignant episode is a conference among several teachers, a 15-year-old student who has just had a baby, the baby's teen-age father and the student's mother.
In that poignant episode, son winds up consoling father, who seems oblivious of the 14-year-old's anguish.
Perhaps the most poignant episode involves an autistic 7-year-old, Andrew, who is completely withdrawn from most human interaction despite the sincerest efforts of his parents, school officials and grade-school peers.