It was not particularly courageous of Armstrong to sing those poignant lyrics.
Black and Blue in particular is underrated; one of Anderson's most poignant and ambiguous lyrics, with an arrangement that reaches for the stars.
Playing slow just isn't this band's forte, although they have the ability to write poignant lyrics".
Its poignant lyrics recall childhood memories with Vandross' father, who used to dance with his mother.
The album is a blend of occasionally upbeat, accessible music coupled with blunt, poignant lyrics.
Despite an infectious rhythm the song has sad and poignant lyrics.
The vulnerability and honesty she conveys in each line showcase a true stylist breathing life into a poignant lyric.
Through his short, poignant lyrics he crafted a persona of post-Soviet delinquency and despair.
Her music merges elements of folk, rock and pop, often with poignant lyrics and complex harmonies.
Andy started to write these very poignant lyrics about a friend of ours; everything started to click like at the start of the recording.