New paperback edition of the delightful, fascinating and ultimately poignant memoirs of the art dealer and friend to artists.
In 1966 our reviewer, Diana Trilling, called this slender book an "extraordinarily poignant memoir of her quite extraordinary childhood."
Brent Staples's poignant memoir offers a glimpse behind and beyond the recitation of black male decline.
A poignant memoir of an Appalachian coal mining company town at a time not so long ago, with illustrations that are both "honest and beautiful."
"Accidental Millionaire" has been described as "a humorous, poignant memoir of the man said to have revolutionized wedding photography".
"A Bundle From Britain" is a poignant, deftly written memoir of his youth, focusing on the wartime years he spent in the United States.
She has written, with the help of the journalist Laura Palmer, an absorbing and poignant memoir.
In a poignant memoir, she describes her favorite saint, a pistol-packing 19th-century monk.
He would later publish a poignant memoir of Woodbridge's life.
Those pages, painfully recalled and rewritten, are incorporated into this fragmented, poignant memoir.