What a poignant and accurate photograph.
It is a wonderfully observed volume, thick in those crucial memories, whether through sharp anecdotes or poignant photographs.
Its core element is a series of beautiful, joyful, yet ineluctably poignant photographs taken by the artists in a makeshift studio.
Perhaps what makes Gray's photographs so poignant is that they document the end of the long and happy life his parents had together.
And there were other pressures, including a poignant photograph of her in one of the tabloids surrounded by little hearts published on St Valentine's Day.
There are also poignant black-and-white photographs of ancient (plaster?)
Another poignant photograph leads off the show.
The author's most poignant photographs show widows and widowers holding up pictures of their late spouses.
There is a poignant anonymous photograph of a man at a letter writer's.
And in a poignant photograph, three young women look out a high window protected by a metal grill.