Robertson, the Star columnist, offered a poignant picture of how the news from Seoul would hit the same homes 72 hours later.
Norman Rockwell couldn't paint a more poignant picture of hometown America.
The poignant picture brought a sense of sympathy to Kate.
The family has poignant pictures of Sophie with the toy, and six months after she died decided to include a teddy carved into a headstone.
Mary at the foot of the Cross is a poignant picture of a mother's love for her Son.
Sadly time ran out, just three days after our poignant pictures were taken.
Homer paints a poignant, lonely picture of Helen in Troy.
The lyric creates a sharp, poignant picture of a couple in bed together whose physical relationship has suddenly chilled.
Thomas's war diary gives a vivid and poignant picture of life on the Western front in the months leading up to the battle.
"Amazing Grace" had become his favorite hymn, a poignant picture of his faith.