Nathan wins the election and in his official victory address, delivers a poignant speech; "A landslide, that's what they're calling it", he proudly announces.
Perhaps Mudbone's most philosophical and poignant speech was in Richard Pryor: Live on the Sunset Strip.
The newly elected Israeli Parliament was sworn in today with a trumpet fanfare and a poignant speech from the departing Prime Minister, Shimon Peres, but still without a new government.
There were funny and poignant speeches by men and women who worked with Mr. McKayle over his 40 years as a modern dance choreographer.
For a little while, in a quiet, poignant speech, Mr. Wright stepped outside the role of beleaguered politician and became another nostalgic veteran among many.
In February 2013, Rohrabacher gave a poignant speech urging the right to self-determination for the Baloch people in Pakistan at a UNPO conference in London.
"If I'm president, I want one thing to be known," Mr. Bradley said in a poignant speech about race delivered in New York last April.
The poignant speech replays the heroic themes of Act I, only this time in a sad minor key.
For you stupid people at home watching, the Honorable Homer addressed the nation with a very poignant speech this afternoon, and we'll try to break it down into the simplest of terms.
This brief but poignant speech raised serious issues about the nature of authority that made all that had come before seem inconsequential.